Are either of these games actually any good? Well, I'm in no way even remotely interested in the Hair Salon game no matter how good it may be, but System Flaw doesn't even have any Amazon ratings or comments, though the game is showing as "in stock". Very odd. Just from looking at the covers (never judge a game by its cover?), they both look like camera gimmicks. :) Neither jump out at me as reasons to exclaim, "OMG!!! I must go buy a DSi right now so I can play these games!!!" I think that's what the DSi needs to get people to want to upgrade from the DS. Still, if System Flaw turns out to be a great game, I might put it on my wish list.bekkilyn
we only have to wait for Nintendo to release that must have DSi only title
Its silly to thnk they'd allow DSi only retail games if they had no desire to push more DSi's than DSLs.
They did a soft launch with the DSi just like they did with the DS phat
DSphat played GBA games (the leader in handheld gaming at time) and had a few GBA type games slapped on with gimmicky two screen/touch features (Advance Wars:Dual Strike, Mario & Luigi: PiT) with a 10 year old port and a few quick cool games (Kirby Canvas Curse) then, after the DS had sold enough in 2004/2005 they added DS specific features like Online to MPH, announced New Super Mario Bros, Pokemon with WiFi, Phantom Hourglass, etc. which were all DS only games, that couldn't even hope to be recreated in the same way on GBA
The only real DS specific game we knew about was Mario 64 port, and Metroid Prime Hunters for a long time in 2004/2005 before we got some games on DS that could've worked on GBA. Advance Wars didn't even have WiFi until its 2nd DS installment
They launched DSi with some good DSiware games, similar to the DS phat software, and since DSi sales are faster and better than DS, at 15 million already, they will probably soon reveal all the DSi only titles to keep pushing DSis, at retail, for release in 2010, 2011, 2012
(Plus add more features to compete with iPhone, i mean its not like PSN store was giving PSP a huge "advantage" over DS, it didn't matter to consumers that you could download cheaper, smaller indie games there, until the Apps Store revolutionized how to get your mobile games out there)
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