So I got around to playing the demo of this game (PS3 version) yesterday... it wasn't bad, but I wasn't able to see its perceived greatness, either. Truth be told, I actually found Leon/Helena's campaign in RE6 much more enjoyable as far as RE experiences go. I also heard that the demo doesn't exactly feature one of the game's stronger areas, so I'm not as quick to make a strong impression yet.
One of my gripes with the game was the control scheme, though. I would have preferred a more conventional way of moving Jill, and I'm still not bullish on dual-stick controls after all of these years. In fact, I'm someone that is actually more familiar/experienced/comfortable with the motion/pointer controls with shooter-related mechanics than I am with any other method, which I suspect puts me in a very small boat. :P Nevertheless, in regards to the Wii U version, that was indeed a missed opportunity on Capcom's part.
Then again, I never understood the reason why the 3DS got this game over the Wii to begin with... but that's another topic for another day. :lol: I may pick this game up down the road somewhere, but seeing as how I don't have RE5/6, those two games are just as likely in the case I need an RE fix.
P.S.: Where's Claire, dangit? :| :P
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