a system does not need to have 360 ps3 like graphics to win a war,, and to be a good system either. the wiis proven just that with all original games. you wont find on ps3 360 thats what kept gc from selling, alll those 3rd party titles were better on xbox 1 and ps2 not this time
I'm happy for it. I use everything on it from the backwards compatibility to the VC to the Wii games themselves. The only thing I don't support right now is the Wiiware. I'll do it very soon.
absolutely love it... i wasn't 100% sure about it when I bought it, and the fact my gamecube broke was what got me to makes the purchase, but seriously, now i'm actually glad it stopped working. even if it were the same price i still would've gotten it over a 360!
I stood in line for it on release day, I got Red Steel and Zelda. Zelda was great but red steel was horrible so I exchanged it. FarCry was also horrible so I exchanged it when I got it. I just picked up SMG but I'm finishing some other games first. I often regret buying the wii cuz I play my other consoles more. There have been only two titles that I think were worth me shelling out for the wii: Zelda and SMG. Hopefully that'll change because after SMG, I don't know when I'll pick the system up again. I can get over the poor graphics with the wii, but the game selection is really bugging me
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