[QUOTE="andrewkozis"]never pretty much impossible actually the wii could never handle that game[/QUOTE
other than downscaling it yes.
i've played assassin's creed.
the draw distances of the city aren't anything i haven't seen in Wind Waker or Spider Man 3. Just prettier. I mean, they're not moving so why would that be a challenge.
Second, I think the motions would be fun, but yeah it would be ubisoft.
thirdly, the A.I. in Assassin's Creed is marginally better than the Ganados in RE 4 so the Wii could probably handle everything.
Except the HD, and everyone who knows the Wii from a technological stand point sees it could do 720p no problem but Nintendo just doesn't let it.
If graphics and A.I. make your game good isn't that kinda of a detractor from the fact that its traditional aspects like level design, controls, camera, story, overall fun factor and design suck?
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