Well I think it's clear
#1:I don't think many people will argue that Resident Evil Revelations is the most ambitious looking 3rd party title on the 3DS. With a 20+ single player, co-op and online multiplayer, with amazing graphics, circle pad pro support, and being on a 4GB card (double most 3DS games) it clearly looks like capcom is putting some hard support into this game,
#2: This one isa toughy, but I would say Kingdom of Heart Dream Drop Distance looks very nice with some great colourful graphics, and gameplay true to kingdom hearts it looks really nice. Also the story seems very interesting and will play a majour role in the Kingdom Hearts Timeline being in between 2 and the unreleased 3.
#3: Metal Gear Solid 3D, we've seen some great bits of gameplay, with some impressive graphics, some new features exclusive to the 3DS such as motion+touch screen control and custom camo using pictures this game looks really nice. Also it's very nice because Metal Gear Solidhas mainly stayed on the Playstation platform and never been on a Nintendo handheld before.
#4 Tekken 3DS is 4th on the list. It looks great so far packaging not only a game, but the first full length confirmed 3D movie on the 3DS. The game features 60 FPS in full 3D and the game looks pretty nice looking better then Tekken 5 on the PS2 which was one of the best looking games on the platform. Some online modes will be included, the only reason it's not higher is that we haven't seen quite enough yet.
#5 Sonic Generations looks like classic 2D sonic gameplay. The game is going to be released for the 3DS very soon, so we'll find out how it does, but it looks like a perfect place for Sonic fans that own a 3DS to start.
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