Bomberman '93 and Mario Kart 64. Perfect Dark will probably never be released on VC, since Rare is owned by Microsoft. Same goes for Banjo Kazooie/Tooie.
DK64 still has a chance though, since Nintendo owns the rights to DK, hence the DKC games.
Maybe not the best, but i had a lot of fun playing Toejam and Earl at my friend's house. I would say either mario Kart 64, a Contra, and I really liked Gunstar heroes.
Gunstar Heroes has some great multiplayer, but the game is too short. Four levels? (Maybe a fifth if you beat all of them.) I've only bothered beating the first one, but they seem to take less than ten minutes. Oh well, it's still fun. I like the fourth level with the board map-like game.
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