Brain Age is more challenging, & less fun than its conterpart. I think Big Brain Academy is, & was made to be a lighter toned brain excersise game. I like both equally, but Big Brain Academy is more fun, plus you don't have to hold your DS sideways, or put up w/ the repititive rants of a floating head, that even when you get great scores, tells you one of his rants, and/or tells you you're still stupid.
i prefer brain age because it seems like it has more lasting appeal. while the simple matching etc. games in big brain get old, its always a challenge to try to improve your scores in brain age. plus, brain age has sudoku:P
Big Brain Academy was awful. One game which I got to finish within 3-4 hours. And it wasn't even that entertaining. No voice recognition, no Sudoku, which Brain Age did have. So I say Brain Age.
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