It would have been cool if they released the game on the same week for all regions. I hope you lucky Europeans have fun with this game this December! :P
Not gonna watch it. All I'll say is that I really enjoyed 4 Heroes of Light and I really hope this improves upon that game's flaws, because it definitely had a few.
I've personally had some hands-on time with this. It's impressive but I have a few reservations. I can see how the brave / default system has potential, but I can also see how it's not going to do a lot to reduce general grind. Anyway, thought I'd add my five eurocentpennycoins to the pile:
so from what i got, you "brave" to do extra turns in a row, but you must then wait until you have at least 0 BP again to attack. you default to guard and that nets you 1 extra BP next turn. sounds like a fun system.
also the victory fanfare reminds me of golden sun's. the first couple notes are the same, and when it turns out it's not the same music, i'm disappointed. every single time a battle ends in the whole demo :P
PS: what the **** is with the team flare music at the 12 minute mark?
Notable that enemies can brave and default too - so they'll do a flurry of attacks or go into a defensive stance and you have to time your own brave / default cycle to maximise damage output / minimise damage received.
I think also that if you use 'brave' without having the BP to back it up (i.e. without defaulting first), you don't get the defence benefit while you're inactive? So it's always best to default first...
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