I've refrained from using it other than to get smash service but today I spent a nice chunk of time on it and guess what, it still sucks
I did some random matches and yes the lag from hell returned. In one game it was exceptionally bad and went LITERALLY frame by frame with like 3 second delays between each -.-
all this lag makes it so I can't do anything fancy as I can't time anything right. It NEVER lets me choose the level. Ever. Even when I stay in the same group for a long time. I keep picking delfino isle or norfair and its always final destination
I hate the 2 minute thing. People can win off of dumb luck due to things like the retarted "Who gets the kill" system and people kill steal a lot. I get kirby to 120 damage and I go in for the kill but nope Captain Falcon knocks me out of the way and steals it -.-
Plus I hate items. I always play with them off because they annoy me but nope, I can't.
Oh and I TRIED to do a friend match because I saw one of the people on my friend list was "waiting for brawl 2/4"
I tried to join and it kept telling me things like "this player has changed their status so you have to go back to the main menu and load online again lol"
Then I saw another one of my friends "in brawl" so I waited and waited and waited and either this was the most epicly long battle in history or I kept missing it.
And the part that angers me most is SPECTATOR MODE! Why is it that there is NO lag whatsoever in ANY spectator match but as soon as I try to play I get 1/3 frames per second.
Oh and I want to play a 1 vs 1 match instead of a brawl but nope I can't. One time there were only 2 players but nope, they added comps.
Why does the online fail so hard ._.
makes me concerned about MK
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