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I've yet to complete a game because many of my games cant be beaten.
[Animal Crossing Wild World, Rune Factory,Harvest Moon DS. ] etc.
When I think on it this would be a good idea and it would save money, but then again sometimes theres a point in the game where your stuck and well you cant beat it.
That's what I do. I have loads of games that will never be beaten. I usually get through a good chunck of them in the winter as I am a career skateboarder and I can't go outside :(
In the end, it all balances out. I usually beat a game up to about 60% then finish the rest of the game about a half year later. I have the horrible habit of buying dozens of games at a time then slowly finishing them before buying another bunch of games.
[QUOTE="brujagio"][QUOTE="7CloudStrife7"]If people did this the video game industry would crash due to lack of sales, bad idea.7CloudStrife7
Read. He's not suggesting returning a game for a full refund, he's simply pointing out that some people buy games, don't complete them, and buy more.
Yea I know how to read, and I did read it. If people only bought 1 game for every game they beat, the industry would go under, whats so hard to understand about that?
For some reason, I highly doubt that. Unfortunately I've got no evidence to back it up, then again I'm sure you don't either.
[QUOTE="7CloudStrife7"][QUOTE="brujagio"][QUOTE="7CloudStrife7"]If people did this the video game industry would crash due to lack of sales, bad idea.brujagio
Read. He's not suggesting returning a game for a full refund, he's simply pointing out that some people buy games, don't complete them, and buy more.
Yea I know how to read, and I did read it. If people only bought 1 game for every game they beat, the industry would go under, whats so hard to understand about that?
For some reason, I highly doubt that. Unfortunately I've got no evidence to back it up, then again I'm sure you don't either.
See, the reason is, because if this was some kind of rule, unspoken or real (how would it become rule? idk, hypothetical) then alot of people would stop buying games, because they may not ever want to or be able to finish one. If a game bores you, then maybe u should put it down for a while and come back. Some games that u can bea thte story line but only did like half of it, if u dont want to finish the extras...dont!
i get games two times a year and alot of games at a time (except a few games i just HAVE to have), and play one console and one handhold ussually, until one is beaten then i get a new one. But sometimes one bores i put it away and play it in a few months, there's no problem with that. You don't have to beat a game, as long as it entertains you, its worth the money.
Anyway, its a good point he made, that would end the gaming industry, but also...if u like games, but never beat ones u get, then get shorter games (*cough cough halo 3* [dont get me wrong, i like it, just short]) or get easier games, just a waste of cash then. so i agree with parts of the main topic, and with Cloud.
Anways, games are about fun! have some when u play them! (sorry about the rant)
Certain games such as FFIII and Trauma Center have this effect.
In FFIII the disability to save in dungeons causes this,since you go all the way through a long dungeon only to be killed by the boss at the end.Very frustrating.
Trauma Center,though operations take around 10 minutes only,when the patient dies you don't want to repeat all you had done earlier.
I think this a terrible Idea.
The game most of us buy when we get stuck is a game we would end up buying at some point anyway.
Also playing another game when your stuck actually "resets" your brain pattern of thinking, so when you go back to i, the problem is more evident.
How many of you have gotten stuck on LoZ: PH or MPH and played another game. Later youd go back on and go "I didn't see that before..."
Also what happens to the games youve completed. Quite a few games are "One Timers" with limited replayability.
I made my Zelda Hourglass last several months more by NOT completing it before buying a new game.
Once youve finished a game more than likely it will rot aay in a drawer somewhere, as you expand your collection, and while its a good feeling to dig out an old game saying " I forgot I had this." its being wasted back there.
Having several games on the go WONT get them finished any quicker, if anything it will take you longer o finih ALL of them.
Furthermore poorer companies won't survive if they won't bring out topclass games in the first place anyway, that's a simple demand and supply principle. The only thing that will happen if people actually finish games is that we will get fewer bad games and more very good ones. evenafvegen
Companies wont survive by bringing out a topclass game from the off??!! Okay hereis a list of Companies that hit it off with some of their first few games.
Sega ~ Sonic The Hedgehog
Nintendo ~ Mario,Earthbound
Team 17 ~ Worms
Bullfrog ~ Theme Park
Therare LOADS of new compies producing quality games as their first gift. Its still hapening today you just have to look.
Poor games arent produced PRIMARILY because people buy them. Poor games are the result of Mis-budgeting, lack of research, knowledge,effort,experience, greedyness (ie Movie tie-ins)and on some occasions lack of funds.
Also you have to remember how high the "bar" has been pushed for games developers. Players like you expect the earth. And when they give you it, its still not good enough.
Also Mr.Cloud thee are a good fewhundred decent games fo the DS, Electroplankton, Mario Kart, Metroid, Animal Crossing, Pheonix Wright, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Zelda.
In truth youre just blinded by the majority, and NO matter what planet you come from the Majority will always out number the minority.
The Majority of games are Rubbish. Its having the effort and willingness to find, pick out and praise those who make an effort.
[QUOTE="7CloudStrife7"]If people did this the video game industry would crash due to lack of sales, bad idea.brujagio
Read. He's not suggesting returning a game for a full refund, he's simply pointing out that some people buy games, don't complete them, and buy more.
I do it all the time, when I get bored i go onto a different game. Besides not beating all my games I am a game collector especially if a game has a super high rating then it stays on the shelf 4 ever.:roll:
When you buy a DS game do you go home play it then after a while get stuck, put the game away, and buy another one? Wait a minute you never beat it so whats the point of waisting your money on another game that might make you repeat the process up top! After a while you'll get an accumulation of uncompleted DS games taking over the walls of your room and at night, eat your gaming brain cells so you can't ever complete a game and waist your money on more and more titlles! Hm? Anyway when you buy a DS game for instance make sure to atleast complete it before purchasing a new game to play. I found that you can save money on buying other games when you have a game at stand-by waiting to be played. You should try it!:Dpapya13
As good of an idea as this sounds like, it ultimately doesn't save you any money and may actually cost you more. If you have a list of games you want to get, even if you go one by one and beat each game before buying a new game, you will still spend the same general amount buying that list of games. You may even have to spend more on some of the games if they become rarer.
If you are strapped for cash and need to get everything you can out of any game you buy, this applies, but it still doesn't save you any money in the long run.
? I didn't say anything about the quality of DS games lol. That wasn't even the point of any of my posts, how did you get that out of what I said?
Heh. :| Uhh you know what Mr.Cloud...
I really dont know. Just reread it and even I dont know how I came to that conclusion. LOL. My apologies.
it is truely disgusting how much i spend on video games. mostly for this reason, i cant complete one without wanting another halfway through it.
lets see, in the past month ive spent close to 800 now that i think about it. (including a 360/new ds, but still, its bad)
im going to buy a game later today for my DS. i still havent beatin my 3 games (dementium,touch the dead,the simpsons) but im planning on it..eventually.
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