Which one are you gonna pick up?
BWii comes out earlier, and is made by the advance wars team, which I love, is online, (I don't know how many people though) and just looks fun. I've Never played the original BW though.
MoHH2 on the other hand, looks awesome, 32 player online which is a huge selling point for me, and sites like IGN and such are saying that they are REALLY nailing the controls as good as Retro did with Metroid Prime, and some are even saying that they prefer it to Airborne. Oh yeh, and you can use the cool peice of plastic, the zapper.
Which One are you leaning towards? I want BWii for originalty, online, and just plain fun.
But MoHH2 for the awesome online, kick ass controls, and just the great previews it's getting.
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