This is just a test, and therefore not complete. I do not plan on this being the final product.What do you think?
These are the games that no Wii owner should be without. They stand out from the rest of the Wii's library, and often utilize its unique controller for the better. If you are new to the Wii, I suggest you check out these titles before any other as they really are the best of the best.
My Take: Don't waste your time reading this; if you love action, you'll love this game... What are you still doing here? You really want an explanation? Fine: It was a ground-breaking game in 2005 on the GameCube, and thanks to the new Wii controls, it's still just as amazing nearly two-and-a-half years later. Satisfied?
My Take: I was weary about filing this title under must-haves because,out of three Paper Mario games, this is admittedly my least favorite. But I can't deny that it's still fantastic. It's Charming, unique, and fun.What makes it a must-have is its longevity.I did not participate in anyside-quests, and my total time clocked in at just under 33 hours. The amount of time you'll spend making your way through this title is more than worth the price of admission.
My Take: I'll admit that it's not the longest game out there (I've put about eight hours into it), but it currently stands as the best example of what the Wii-remote can do. And when you're done with the main game, a few sweet multi-player options show up that'll keep you and you friends busy for days.
My Take: There's something to be said about a game that can show up on the Wii without any significant changes to the control and still be fantastic. Even though the game can be played just as well with a traditional controller, it contains an absolutely epic quest (My experience, without side-quests, capped at 46 hours), with endearing characters and jaw-dropping boss battles. This is a definite must-have, no doubt.
There are two ingredients that go into the recipe of a Black-List title. The first, and most obvious, is thatthe game must be a bad one. But the second, and most important ingredient, is that said game must look like a great game from the outside. These are the games that teach us not to judge a book by its cover. Although it may look like a tempting purchase, avoid these game like the plague. Much like a bully, they exist only to take your money and make you cry.
This is a dissapointment on nearly every level, but because I don't want to waste your time, I'll only tell you the most important one: This is a mediocre PSP game with thrown-in Wii controlsand an inflated price of $50. But unfortunately, even if the game had launched at $5, it still wouldn't be worth your time.
If this looks like a first-generation GameCube game, that's because it is. Originally released in Japan in 2001, Ubisoft repackaged for the Wii almost six full years later with only the most basic of Wii controls. The worst part? They tried to make it a must-have by packaging it with a peice of plastic shaped like a sterring wheel.
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