Hey just calling out to all Aussie Mario Strikers Charged players that we are currently holding Wi-Fi Nights every Wednesdays nights starting about 7.30pm. Basically we meet up in a chatroom and start organizing friendlies against each other. Its a great way of getting good matches with friendly people and be able to brag about winning after the match! Think about it, no DCs, no spammers, no noobs! Currently we have about 15 frequent players and we welcome more people to join the party. The standard of ppl playing are generally pretty good, so you are guaranteed to get competitive matches. Head over to http://www.aussie-nintendo.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16165&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 for details if you are interested. Just FYI it's not necessary to register for the forum in order to participate. You can still enter the chatroom without signing up but it is recommended so we can communicate before/after the Wi-fi nights.
hahah cheese eater... i duno if youd own ALL of us, maybe some of us... theres some pretty elite players who are high on the rankings every week... whats your mii name? maybe we've gotten ranked up together before.. youd probably remember me. are you up for a friendly?
the "friendlies on wednesdays" is mainly just to have decent matches with decent players... some really challenging matches... and if you win... you get braging rights hahah
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