Altho some of you may already consider them as such, I personally still do not.
To be worthy of that title, they would have to make more than just two-three games per generation and make new IPs as well.
In their best times, Rare were chucking out great games left and right and they were making both, new IPs as well as sequels to established ones.
Part of that reason was also that they often re-used a lot of the same assets and graphics engines, but nevertheless, their efforts were impressive.
With the recent news of Retro expanding their team, I think they have the manpower neccessary to bring out more new games and fresh experiences.
But there is a fundamental difference between old Rare and the current Retro.
And that is that Retro is fully owned by Nintendo and it's up to Nintendo to decide what they'll work on.
Rare had quite some creative freedom to do what they wanted partly also because they weren't fully owned by Nintendo, hence could make their own games besides working on Ninty's franchises.
So far, Nintendo has only allowed Retro to work on their franchises, but not also make their own ones.
I think this last part is very important to realize as it's the key to Retro becomming a more "versatile" developer with a own identity.
To allow them to make own IPs, as well as potentially fund some of them, would be the first steps to realizing this potential.
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