I will certainly be getting a 3DS next month when hopefully all the cash will be collected
Please advise me whcih 2 games of the following i should choose:
1. Street fighter IV 3D edition
2. Super mario 3D land
3. Resident revil revelations
4. Zelda Ocarina of time
Dont bother about genre , i would enjoy all f them, just help me pick up 2 as for now..
Also tell me how good/great/enjoyable is the 3D feature/the experience
Really looking forward to your help to enjoy this
Thanks in advance
I own SSF4, SM3DL and OoT, and I've played the demo of revelations.
SSF4 is my least favorite, but I quite like the game (so that's saying something for the other games). SSF4 has a decent online set up, and it's easy just to pick up and play online (Mario Kart 7 is also great in this regard, too bad you're not considering it - I would've definitely recommended above all games). I don't really go through the compaign of the characters, there was never much incentive to do so. Just mucked around a little in single player really. Also, the touch controls for special moves can change the gameplay, rather than who can do the combination of buttons, it's more about the timing of the moves. The good thing is that you can choose players online who have the feature on or off, or both if you don't care.
So for me it's between Zelda and SM3DL. I'd say go with SM3DL because it's a new experience. It's got some great level design, and it's the game that best utilises the 3D effect. The platforming depth feels great and they also do some 3D tricks in the game. OoT in 3D looks stunning as well though, I'd probably put it just behind SM3DL. Unless you're really craving to revisit Hyrule, I'd go with the new experience and save OoT for another day.
As for the demo I played of Resi, it looked great in 3D. This might sound weird, but the 3D felt very comfortable. I could imagine leaving the 3D on longer than the other games. It's subtle but to great effect. The game just feels that extra bit immersive, which I think is great for a survival horror. Others have complained about the 3D effect in this game, so take my praise with a grain of salt.
Two more things I'd like to add:
1. I highly suggest getting Mario Kart 7 if you enjoyed Mario Kart in the past. If you've never experienced Mario Kart, then this is a must.
2. The demo of Resi really made me want to go out and buy it. I've replayed the demo many times now - it's that great. I will purchase it when I get the money.
Oh actually, one last thing. There are a lot of awesome games on the 3DS at the moment, and a lot of upcoming games. Don't forget to check out Pushmo on the eShop!
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