To Eric Nofsinger and Kerry Ganofsky of High Voltage games!!! These two new man-crushes of mine have completely uplifted my spirits when it comes to Wii and what developers are starting to do. IGN posted an amazing article on the new title Conduit from High Voltage. Check it out:
the hot sexiness
Pretty amazing huh? I'm sure everyone's seen it already anyway. What really excites me is the philosophy adopted by HV and the two execs I'm in love with....uh....I mentioned earlier I mean. Their approach to making real content for the Wii is so refreshing I just don't know what to do with myself. Their words speak for themselves:
Kerry Ganofsky says - "We think it's a real shame that publishers and developers aren't taking advantage of the technical possibilities of the Wii platform. Most Wii games don't even look as good as the later day PS2 titles and that's a real slap in the face to consumers,". "We believe that third-party developers need to step up to the plate and deliver. The Wii platform is capable of a lot more than what consumers have seen so far. We're hoping to raise a new bar."
Eric Nofsinger says - "Most of the games on the Wii look like crap. We want to change that, so we've invested heavily in our Wii tech over the past year. We have real-time normal mapping, reflection and refraction, post process full screen effects, real-time shadows, projected lights and textures, specularity and fresnel effects, emissive and iridescent materials, interactive water, morphing, and much more all running with a rock solid frame rate on the Wii. Our goal is to be the most technically innovative Wii developer on the planet."
Now I love the Wii. Always have and I will till the next generation. But if you've heard here before then you know that I am very offended at lazy devs, bad graphics, party games, PS2 ports and the like. It pains me to see what I know is a capable next gen system (btw selling better than anything on the planet right now which includes it's COMPETITION) relegated to receiving the wash out crap nobody would put on other systems. What Kerry and Eric at HV have done is taken everything about what I and a lot of us "harcore gamers", if you're comfortable with that label, feel and put it into the most vindicatingly perfect words and, thank god, made them public. As well as put them to practical use where they can hopefully, and will, make a difference!!
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