Everyone else already said no, but let me say this as well. Honestly it wouldn't make a difference if you're using a DSL or cable line. There's pretty much no way the Wii, by itself, could use an entire bandwith of a DSL/cable line that you would want a second one.
I'll give you an example: say I give you a waterhose to drink from and it's constantly running full blast, and you can get a drink from it whenever you want and as much as you want. Would you be able to drink so much that there wouldn't be any overflow water plashing on you or on the ground? Honestly I've seen extremely thirsty people still not able to drink all the water that comes out at once. Now let's add a second waterhose at full blast or trade the first one out and you now get a firehose at full blast (and for the sake of the example you're able to safely drink from it). Do you really need (or can you even use) all of the water coming out?
The only way I can think of you using ALL of the bandwidth and you're lagging due to not enough data streaming through (not enough bandwidth) is if you had about 10 or more consoles (and that might be a rather low number) all online at the same time.
However, if somehow you DID need more badwidth, then you're looking at T1, T3+ lines which start roughly around a $1000 a month for the smallest badwidth, these are the lines large companies use to keep the system from getting bogged down.
So, no, you wouldn't be able to use two or more lines (wired, wireless or a combination there of) at the exact same time, and it wouldn't really matter if you could.
Sorry dude.
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