I'm gonna paint the outside of my ds an orange blaze color and leave the inside black, to do so, i'm going to buy the crystal ds shell and spray paint the inside of the outer cases(both top and bottom) and finish it with a thin coat of sealant (to prevent the paint from chipping, not sure how well that'll work). After the paint dries, I'll do the case mod for the ds and replace only the very outer cases. My questions are, will this work without damaging my ds? how do other people do their custom paint jobs? and has anyone done my method before?
Oh and if ur gonna leave a smartass comment about voiding my warranty, insulting my intelligence or anything along those lines, then up yours;).
Thanks for any actual advice
link to the ds case: dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.10860
(Up Mine) No offense but you're on the wrong website. GameSpot is the last place to ask advice on DS modifications, and the answers you'll get are people who know what Google is, trying to help you. If you need help from people here, then you shouldn't be painting your DS at all. Here's some actual advice (only to add legitmacy to your request).
It's hard to know exactly what your painting plan is. The white, pink, and black DS Lites have a clear plastic shell over a layer of paint, while the newer two-tone black and crimson/cobalt systems do not. If you're going to strip the clear plastic off a white DS Lite, paint the actual system, and replace the clear plastic with a painted crystal shell, then I say go for it. It probably will ruin your system, and won't look great, unless you have experience with custom painting. Maybe you should take the safe route in customizing your DS.
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