A thought that's been on my mind since I got my wii a little after launch day, born from twilight princess, and cemented in by a dual rentals of sonic: secret of the rings and SSXblur
the real problem with the wii is the controller
yes, I know...the controller is also the systems greatest strength, and I dont need to elaborate why, but the thing that's ruining the wii in this stage of it's life is it's controller.
Developers are in the middle of some controlgasm when developping for the wii, convinced that everything you do need to be motion-centric, and making HUGE sacrifices in the game for it. Jerking my wrist around to swing my sword in zelda is hardly nescsarry, and very tireing without adding any extra depth, but worse still, SSXblur is completly destroyed by the motion based trick system.
The DS suffered a similar fate at launch and in the year following, and both the wii and the DS have some diamonds really using the new controls well, but it'll take a while before developers settle into the fact that the wii is a game system, not some fad-driven toy, and start making games that revolve around solid gameplay, with the intuitive additions of the remote enhancing a solid product, rather than providing gimmick.
I reckon it'll take about a year, and we'll be treated to a couple of gem titles along the way. We've already got trauma center and warioware, and hopefully SMgalaxy and other titles to follow will keep the system afloat while the developers try their hardest to drown the system in their lust for a gimmick driven quick buck.
any thoughts?
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