Developers worried about Wii's future!!!

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#1 mrmoeone
Member since 2006 • 524 Posts
I just got done reading this article,here is a little of what they had to say...Third-party developers, some said, had to cobble games together in an effort to quickly produce titles and keep up with Nintendo.

Other participants subscribed to the notion that Wii is a fad. "The Wii is like the 'Billy's Boot Camp' weight-loss program on DVD," one unnamed president of a developer told Nikkei. "People bought it out of curiosity, and it's likely a lot of them haven't used it"......this is getting rediculous.Its statements like this that can cause other developers to become hesitant in fully supporting the Wii with original content, thus continuing the ces pool of ported games with tacky motion controls slapped on to it...why is so much doubt being cast upon the Wii when there is so much potential inside the little box.What do u guys think...
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#2 spidermonkey11
Member since 2007 • 1716 Posts

Right now I don't care about what people say about the Wii because I already see 15 games in the first half of 2008 that I want. Not to mention about 7-8 games I want by the end of the year!

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#3 Sonic_Freak87
Member since 2006 • 119 Posts
i read that not long ago, but the presidents of sony said the same thing round when the wii was first released and well look at it now. i read an article not that long ago that most devolopers will be making games for wii because it's the most popular and it's much cheaper to make games for then ps3 or 360
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#5 PopeReal
Member since 2005 • 1303 Posts

Right now I don't care about what people say about the Wii because I already see 15 games in the first half of 2008 that I want. Not to mention about 7-8 games I want by the end of the year!


exactly, there are more games coming out that i want to play than i have time for....

also developers shouldn't worry as long as they actually try to make good games that wii owners will buy ;)

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#6 Tri-Enforcer
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I don't think 3rd party developers are worried about the Wii's success. They are worried about their INVOLVEMENT in the Wii's success a.k.a. making money off the Wii.

Over 11 million Wiis later in less than a year, and I say 99.9% percent of those sales had nothing to do with 3rd parties. What I mean is that people aren't buying Wiis for third party games, since the majority are not system sellers. Looking at this, some developers assume that the Wii will be nothing without them in the future--I sure can't tell.

To sum all this up, third parties are mad because they are not getting a piece of the pie, because they were late to the game and are now playing catch up.

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#7 mrmoeone
Member since 2006 • 524 Posts just sucks that some developers have this mentality about theWii...

I don't think 3rd party developers are worried about the Wii's success. They are worried about their INVOLVEMENT in the Wii's success a.k.a. making money off the Wii.

Over 11 million Wiis later in less than a year, and I say 99.9% percent of those sales had nothing to do with 3rd parties. What I mean is that people aren't buying Wiis for third party games, since the majority are not system sellers. Looking at this, some developers assume that the Wii will be nothing without them in the future--I sure can't tell.

To sum all this up, third parties are mad because they are not getting a piece of the pie, because they were late to the game and are now playing catch up.

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#8 A7Xfan
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The Billy Boot Camp DVD costs about $30 maximum. When you buy a Wii it's a $250 purchase, you don't shell over a big ol' pocket full of pennies that size unless you know what you're getting into.It's a Nintendo. In the sense that NES gave birth to what games were before this is the new era. The control are extremely primitive (as primitive as the NES graphics were) but its a great building block.
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#9 meimnobody
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These are the same third parties that didn't understand the DS and usually have poor sales even on the PS2 in Japan. They expect crap to sell on the most popular platform and use the ps2 incredible ability to sell garbage as a judge for wii game success. Of course they forget that those who buy Nintendo consoles typically avoid third party garbage while those who buy sony consoles tend tobuy up the garbage games.

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#10 aldez17
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This is just a side effect of developers being "drunk on technology" so to speak. To them, it is impossiblefor any system without, for lack of a better term,all the bells and whistles of the two consoles being successful beyond a mere fad. Also, it is probably just some denial about being wrong about just how popular the Wii would be. I mean,even the most hardcore Nintendo fan thought it would be in second place at best. Now look at it: The thing friggin Beams money! Naturally, developers would be mad they're not getting "a piece of the pie", as Tri-Enforcer put it.

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#11 TimeToPartyHard
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#12 NoRemnants
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Third-party developers, some said, had to cobble games together in an effort to quickly produce titles and keep up with Nintendo.mrmoeone
Maybe they should have jumped on board right away instead of waiting to see what the launch was like. Sure now they're digging their greedy little hands in to try and get a piece. How could you not support the company that single handedly revived the video game market from its crash in 1983. They wouldn't be making games right now for ANY console if it wasn't for nintendo. They need to learn a little respect. /rant

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#13 nomadph
Member since 2007 • 705 Posts

well monster hunter 3 developers moved to the wii. if their game will sell big time, then that's a big slap to whoever said such thing in that article...

it's more like they don't know how to make _optimized_ games, hence needing all the horsepower in a console they can get. lolz.

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#14 smithy92
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Wii have Brawl, PS60 haven't.

Nuff said.

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#15 Conjuration
Member since 2006 • 3562 Posts

Nothing kills a system like bad software. So if the devs are worried about the Wii tanking, they need to realise alot of the Wii's success depends on their efforts.

Nintendo has proven they can survive on minimal 3rd party support if they need to. They will survive.

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#16 Darthmatt
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I like how people say "developers" yet I've never seen any named in any of these reports. All I care about is Capcom, konami, namco, square/enix. They are all on board with the wii last time I checked.
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#17 mrmoeone
Member since 2006 • 524 Posts
couldnt have said it better myself...

[QUOTE="mrmoeone"]Third-party developers, some said, had to cobble games together in an effort to quickly produce titles and keep up with Nintendo.XBSHX

Maybe they should have jumped on board right away instead of waiting to see what the launch was like. Sure now they're digging their greedy little hands in to try and get a piece. How could you not support the company that single handedly revived the video game market from its crash in 1983. They wouldn't be making games right now for ANY console if it wasn't for nintendo. They need to learn a little respect. /rant

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#18 bobbetybob
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Yeah because Billy's Boot Camp sounds like it was absolutely F-Awesome, while as the Wii, ha what a load of rubbish, it's just a games console with awesome conrols, nothing good there...
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#19 Boba_Fett_3710
Member since 2005 • 8783 Posts

Wii have Brawl, PS60 haven't.

Nuff said.


That's great, it's probably one of the best series in gaming. Here's how great it is: SSBM was one of the first games on Gamecube, it is still it's best selling game. It's selling so well that Nintendo hasn't put it as a Player's choice game just so they can make $20 more, which the game is worth the whole price. Plus, how often do you see a copy of SSBM used? Not very.

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#20 zaku101
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I don't see why they would be? Any smart developer would make an xbox360/ps3 game and make more money off 2 systems with out having to really change anything in their game. If they made it Wii only that's like only half or less the profit. This is also why you see way more 3rd party support on the 360/ps3.

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#21 mgfarmer
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The main reason developers have this type of logic is their production cost. It is much cheaper and more profitable for developers to make games that work on multiple systems the problem is that is not going to work with the Wii. The Wii cant handle games that are being developed for the PS3 or the 360 so the developers either have to spend a lot of time reworking the entire game engine or focus on a game just for the Wii. I think its crazy for delvelopers to think that the Wii is just a fad but unfortunatly they are too concerned about the production cost of games.
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#22 Sants412
Member since 2007 • 5599 Posts

Wii have Brawl, PS60 haven't.

Nuff said.

LOL amen.
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#23 haziqonfire
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If you think about it, all consoles are "fads." They only last 5-6 years, most of them. Why would anyone with a sane mind buy something 'out of curiosity?' Most people have probably played it/done there research before just picking it up. However, it is true to some extent that not everyone uses it frequently.

Developers are just afraid their games wont sell as well as nintendo games on a nintendo platform. The reason that is, is because 99.9% of the time, the Nintendo games outshine the 3rd party games in quality.

Thing is -- Make quality titles on the Wii, and it will sell. Example: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. Sold 750,000+ Copies so far. Rayman Raving Rabbids is another one that sold 1,000,000+.
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#24 Boba_Fett_3710
Member since 2005 • 8783 Posts

I don't see why they would be? Any smart developer would make an xbox360/ps3 game and make more money off 2 systems with out having to really change anything in their game. If they made it Wii only that's like only half or less the profit. This is also why you see way more 3rd party support on the 360/ps3.


Not really. It costs more on the developers side to make games for the 360 or PS3. It's such a gamble to put so much money in a game without knowing if it will even do well. This is one of the reasons we are seeing a bunch of crappy half-ass games on the Wii, 3rd party development costs are really low so if the game doesn't sell (I'm looking at chicken shoot) it's not as big of a loss.

If you are comparing 360 games to Wii, don't. The 360 had a years head start for devs to adjust to the system and go through the development process of making a game.

In a nutshell, the Wii is cheaper to develop for so whatever profit is made, will still be more than putting up the dough and developing for a higher cost system.

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#25 KenpachiSama
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts

This whole notion is like a 12-year-old finishing too fast...


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#26 deactivated-5967f36c08c33
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The Wii doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon.
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#27 chris3116
Member since 2003 • 12174 Posts

I don't see why they would be? Any smart developer would make an xbox360/ps3 game and make more money off 2 systems with out having to really change anything in their game. If they made it Wii only that's like only half or less the profit. This is also why you see way more 3rd party support on the 360/ps3.


Monster Hunter 3 disagrees on what you say. It was cut on the PS3 because it cost too much on developing on PS3.

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#28 aransom
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3rd party developers put a bunch of crummy games out for Wii launch, and then they complain because no one buys them. Then they're mad because they have to compete with Nintendo's games. I'd like to see a 3rd party developer drop all this BS and say, "we'll have to make better games if we want people to buy them."

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#29 Boba_Fett_3710
Member since 2005 • 8783 Posts

I don't see why they would be? Any smart developer would make an xbox360/ps3 game and make more money off 2 systems with out having to really change anything in their game. If they made it Wii only that's like only half or less the profit. This is also why you see way more 3rd party support on the 360/ps3.


Monster Hunter 3 disagrees on what you say. It was cut on the PS3 because it cost too much on developing on PS3.

Further proving my point.

Also you have to consider that the install base for the Wii is already huge. That counts for alot, especially last gen when the PS2, the weakest console was the console most focused on.

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#30 aleco2012
Member since 2007 • 151 Posts

well monster hunter 3 developers moved to the wii. if their game will sell big time, then that's a big slap to whoever said such thing in that article...

it's more like they don't know how to make _optimized_ games, hence needing all the horsepower in a console they can get. lolz.


ive seen that and it looks awsome is it coming to the U.S

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#31 mrjam0
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i read the same artilce that u did.most of of the third party developers that are nervous about the wiis success are the same ones making crappy games for the wii. their mentality is that if they just throw some pixels together along with some motion sensitivity, and call it a game, they think that they're going to make an easy buck concidering the fact that the wii has out sold the ps3 and 360 almost a year now. they dont understand that if they put some effort into making wii games, it'll promotewii"s image, and there for increase their sales. they are alos nervous because they are afraidthat nintendo published and developed games will over shadow theirs. again, it goes back to the quality of their games. if they developed better software, then consumers wont ignore them. but this doesnt only befall on the third party. nintendo is also at fault. if anyone has read the november edition of EGN magazine, there is an article that explainsanother reason y we have "wii crap" (title of the article) basically theytalk about how back in the day it was very hard to make games for nintendo's hardware because third party developers had to get their games approved by nintendo, hence the "nintendo official quality" seal. now nintendo doesnt look at the games at all. so a pile of dog s**t can go right under their noses, and they wont even smell it. its not the same case with sony and microsoft. u dont see too much garbage on their system because developers have to get it approved by them first. a great example they used was a developer came up to sony, and said that their game is about a boy rolling around a pile of garbage, sounds like a bad idea already. but when they sat down with them and got the fullversion of the idea, and the demo, it turned out to be quite entertaining, and that game was Katamari Damisi (not sure if i spelled it right). so its up to nintendo to dropthe hammer on them. if that happens, we wont see much games, but atleast we know were getting quality. as for those developers like UFO interactive (made anubis 2, and a bunch of other games that look EXACTLY the same)... they can just gojump off a cliff. causetheir wasting our time and money, as well as theirs
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#32 jeremybristol
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Nintendo didn't check the games for quality, even on the NES, except to make sure the games weren't crashing all the time. What they did was limit the number of games that could be released by a company to two a year (some got around the rule through subsidiaries like Konami's Ultra Games). All the logo was for was to combat the still-fresh VG market collapse, caused by Atari's lack of oversight, which led to a horrible glut of horrible 2600 games. I can actually see that as a possible downfall for the Wii, as Nintendo has been allowing FLASH GAMES to be released on the Wii. They've gone from almost single-handedly supporting the N64 and Game Cube to seemingly bowing to the whims of any third party developer that decides to publish Wii and DS games. I'm not saying the demise is imminent, but the lack of good third party support (in this case, too many crap games from too many developers) has been a problem for Nintendo since the waning days of the Super NES.
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#33 Lisandro_v22
Member since 2005 • 1319 Posts

Wii have Brawl, PS60 haven't.

Nuff said.


only having brawl and mario galaxy doesn't satisfy non nintendo fans i mean i'm sure both games are great but i'm starting to get angry because every rpg i see that looks promising ends up being as simple and colourfull as the discovery kids games

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#34 gokuofheaven
Member since 2004 • 3452 Posts

Wii have Brawl, PS60 haven't.

Nuff said.


only having brawl and mario galaxy doesn't satisfy non nintendo fans i mean i'm sure both games are great but i'm starting to get angry because every rpg i see that looks promising ends up being as simple and colourfull as the discovery kids games

i agree. nintendo needs to start focusing more on developing new titles...and take their time with them. Zak and Wiki is a good example, it's a great start and has more potential in the sequels.

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#35 bataco
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Yeah Zack and Wiki it's different, original, looks fu, etc.
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#36 Lisandro_v22
Member since 2005 • 1319 Posts

Wii have Brawl, PS60 haven't.

Nuff said.


only having brawl and mario galaxy doesn't satisfy non nintendo fans i mean i'm sure both games are great but i'm starting to get angry because every rpg i see that looks promising ends up being as simple and colourfull as the discovery kids games

i agree. nintendo needs to start focusing more on developing new titles...and take their time with them. Zak and Wiki is a good example, it's a great start and has more potential in the sequels.

nintendo needs to start focusing more on developing new titles... what nintendo must start focusing is in doing politics and getting bloody contracts don't they realise that any developer that put a little of effort of a title will end up winning a lot more than in a ps3 wii has no games YET because developers go with sony because it's BIG they are not faithfull look at Capcom they were broken and the game "ONLY FOR GAMECUBE" with they succeded end up in Ps and Pc and the following game MAIN game they are making it for Ps3 ¿how do we lost resident evil? it was one of the few non nintendo good franchises

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#37 Lisandro_v22
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Yeah Zack and Wiki it's different, original, looks fu, etc.bataco

i'm sory to say this but even if it is good from what i've seen about it right now zack and wiki seems like a regular wii game to me, i mean i know that graphics aren't supposed to be good on wii but Zack and Wiki has the typical WIi look that almost every new game that has been released for wii has, and i think u shouldn't e so happy about Capcom releasing "Zack and Wiki" for the wii when it is releasing Devil may cry 4 for Ps3 and probabily it is being developed by a team of the most experienced Capcom guys and zack and wiki is being developed in a couple of months by a team that i don't think that will say "from the creators off... anything" and even if it does we are being satisfied very easily lately aren't we?

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#38 madsnakehhh
Member since 2007 • 18369 Posts

Nothing kills a system like bad software. So if the devs are worried about the Wii tanking, they need to realise alot of the Wii's success depends on their efforts.

Nintendo has proven they can survive on minimal 3rd party support if they need to. They will survive.


Man, you are so damn right, who cares if 3rd party's are making a lot of Crap games, as long as Nintendo keeps doing games so great, who cares? But i still have faith in the developers, i hear a Fatal Frame is coming to the Wii, so who knows in the future, as long as 3rd party's learn to make good games, is OK.

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#39 Sepewrath
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Its very simple, if devs make good games they dont need to be concerned. All game systems I dont care who makes them, or what features it has all comes down to the games. If devs make crap the system doesnt do well plain and simple, and has a bleak future. If devs make strong titles for the Wii you wont have a bunch of people selling them, and the available market getting smaller and smaller. This qoute must have come from a developer incapable of making a solid title, otherwise they should already know this.

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#40 jack00
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the problem is not that the wii is not getting any games, its that its not getting any GOOD games. my cousin got a wii and i dont want to play freakin mini games all the time, i want a real solid game like zelda TP and mario paper, right now those are the only titles worth a damn on the wii.
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#41 Lisandro_v22
Member since 2005 • 1319 Posts

the problem is not that the wii is not getting any games, its that its not getting any GOOD games. my cousin got a wii and i dont want to play freakin mini games all the time, i want a real solid game like zelda TP and mario paper, right now those are the only titles worth a damn on the wii.jack00

i agree the thing is that the games we are counting as good games have been coming out with a minimum period of 2 years between them so after all the games that are coming in the following months and considering there arent much games apart than super mario, zelda, super smash and mario tennis what are we going to do until the next ones

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#42 l8bitz
Member since 2004 • 3251 Posts
lol well they cannot deny the selling ability of the Wii at THIS moment. So if they want to make a profit, better get it while it's hot.
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#43 Darth-Samus
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Honestly even if there is some hint of truth to that, I'd like to think that the ridiculous amount of steam and dollars the Wii has garnered in less than a year will give it enough momentum to last at leasta good three years or so. At that point I believe it's more than feasible that Nintendo would be able and willing to release a new system or - Wii 2 - that would be able to compete in the same league or rather...even further demolish the competition. I'm realy not worried. Especially if we get another Metroid and Zelda before the system is done.
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#44 meimnobody
Member since 2003 • 5565 Posts

So scarface, godfather blackhand edition, resident evil 4, trauma center aren't good games?

You need to look more and remove the branch from your behind your gaming elitism is what has caused the number of consoles among the public to fall. Yes gaming was dying it was quite noticeable in Japan and even the states it was starting to occur.

Don't bring up the profits argument that doesn't take into account rising prices among games.

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#45 Lisandro_v22
Member since 2005 • 1319 Posts

So scarface, godfather blackhand edition, resident evil 4, trauma center aren't good games?

You need to look more and remove the branch from your behind your gaming elitism is what has caused the number of consoles among the public to fall. Yes gaming was dying it was quite noticeable in Japan and even the states it was starting to occur.

Don't bring up the profits argument that doesn't take into account rising prices among games.


i didn't really liked scarface and the godfather although i'm a real fan of the movies i see them as copies of Gta (i'm not a real fan of Gta either) and of those titles only trauma center is only for the wii the others i've played them on my ps2

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#46 monty_4256
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well always have nintendo, they are the reason I bought it anyway
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#47 aransom
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If 3rd party developers make good games for the Wii they'll sell well. If they keep making crappy games, and then complain because people won't buy them, I say screw 'em! I'm not going to buy a bunch of crummy 3rd party games, in hopes that they'll make better games. That just rewards them for making crummy games.