So I turned on my Diamond today and I noticed some wierd things like all the plants were watered and none of them have grown and then I went to go get berries and they said "You already got one please come again tomorrow." so then i go to get a lotto ticket and the same thing happens. Then after that I go to the online trading place and i put a shelder to get traded and it said that it had fled! I havent tried anything with the GBA games so Im not sure if ill still be able to migrate. Can some one help me on getting the daily events again. Oh and this is the first time ive played Diamond since summer started because i got bored of it then I got the feeling to play it again.
the clock on ur ds works right? that is some weird crap, if i were u id email nintnedo and try to get some free crap off it that is rare! thats like harder to find than a chuck norris pokemon
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