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wow your upset over aone month delay, are you even listening to yourself?
Play super mario galaxy, metroid prime 3, twilight princess -- ask yourself this: Are they of top quality?
If yes, then you have your answer as to whether or not they work 'hard' on their games.
Well it seems like you are not familiar with Nintendos products. They put alot of polish into all ther big games and that takes time, also Brawl is adding alot of new things that they have never done before. I really think they delayed it to add a mic for online play.
Well it seems like you are not familiar with Nintendos products. They put alot of polish into all ther big games and that takes time, also Brawl is adding alot of new things that they have never done before. I really think they delayed it to add a mic for online play.
you better expect diapointment
look at twilight princess and brawl, getting delayed for YEARS.It makes you wonder how hard the game designers at nintendo actually work. Seriously, "Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we've had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th."THE GAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY COMPLETED. Your telling me they aren't even done the game with the years they have done on it. This is rediclous, do nintendo gamedesignersactually work or do they just sit on their ass all day?Krevnator
you DO know they are working to get the online to work right, right? if they felt that the game isnt ready then dammit it isnt ready! if they released it on Dec 3, EVERYBODY wouldve sad "damn, if they only delayed it a little bit they wouldve gotten it perfect!" but sadly in this hypocritical world in which we live in, nintendo is damned if they do and damned if they dont. if they dont delay it, people want it delayed to improve it. if its delayed, people complain that its delayed! people should just quit whining and stay patient! and its obvious that they dont sit on their asses all day because they have a crap load of content in the game (if you happen to notice which it seems you havent)
look at twilight princess and brawl, getting delayed for YEARS.It makes you wonder how hard the game designers at nintendo actually work. Seriously, "Due to delays in the completion of Super Smash Bros. Brawl, we've had to change the release date of the game to Sunday, March 9th."THE GAME SHOULD HAVE BEEN ALREADY COMPLETED. Your telling me they aren't even done the game with the years they have done on it. This is rediclous, do nintendo gamedesignersactually work or do they just sit on their ass all day?Krevnator
Is it really SO upsetting when a game gets delayed? It's the nature of the beast. You can either get your game early or you can get it done right. It happens in the movie and music industries too. Everywhere in mainstream media, creative projects get delayed so they can be done right. Have you ever seen the work that game designers do behind the curtain? It's crazy. It's crazy hours andcrazy deadlines. Of course they work hard. Sorry that you have to wait a couple extra weeks for your game, but you'd be crying just as much if it came out on timeand was full of flaws.
Gaming development is h3ll! Working day and night, sleeping at work around deadlines, sweaty offices and boring routines to get that tiny bit further in making things enjoyable rather then adding the things You want to add.
These aren't the games we used to play alike boardgames, they are now making living dreams, worlds to spend some of Your lifetime in.
I agree, Nintendo should follow the example of devs that created such hits like Anubis II and Ninjabreadman and release their games quickly and on time.metroidfood
Agreed. Those are some quality games. Better than that crap Nintendo has been spewing out with Mario and Zelda? Psh, please I want some real games, not an elf boy on a boat and some italian lardo floating through space.
1. Errors occur that are not the dev's fault.
2. Would you prefer a buggy, twitchy, and all around worse game?
3. More content is a good thing.
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