I recently started playing Xenoblade and I know it's gotten a lot of appreciation. I understand because the gameplay is good, BUT there are a lot of things that take away from the experience for me. First of all, the characters look aboslutely terrible. Their fingers look like rectangles like something from an N64 game, and their eyeballs look like blurry blobs.
When the characters run, it looks like their legs are moving in slow-motion while they are travelling at a much faster rate. It just doesn't make sense. It looks like no effort was put into this; you just tap the control stick and they've already started moving at lighting speed. It just looks bad. And don't get me started on the jumping. It's as if they're on the moon; they hover for way too long and way too far, considering the huge weapon they are carrying it just doesn't make sense.
My final complaint is some of the cheap voice acting. When the characters jump they use the same super-annoying scream over and over. When they're battling they have to keep saying the same cheesy, repetitive lines over and over, can they just fight without all the yapping?! The dialogue doesn't match the movements of their mouths very often, and I understand that it's probably because it was directly translated from the Japanese version. Still, many things in this game seemed rushed, and while a lot of effort was put into certain things, I feel that they should've put equal effort into stuff like this. Anyway I'm not trying to bash the game, I understand the appeal, but for a game that gets so much appreciation I feel that these things shouldv'e been touched up. What do you think?
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