Reviews play an important role. Below 7 on GS isnt for me.
I would change that cutoff score slightly (maybe to 5 or 6), since GS has fairly recently given scores of 6.5 to a few games that scored much higher on most other reviewing sites / magazines.
I don't really look at scores much, since there aren't many solid, mathmatical formulas that sites use to determine the scores. I've read TONS of reviews where I'm baffled by the score; they'll give it tons of praise and give it a 7, or bring up all sorts of complaints and still give it a 8.5-9 (coughFPScough). The actual review tells you how the reviewer feels about the game. The score is usually just an ambiguous number they come up with.
I pay more attention to the gripes about a game rather than what it gets praised for. Simply put, if the game looks appealing to me, I'm probably going to get it unless there are gripes with the game that I would have a hard time dealing with (ex. excessive hacking / cheating in Conduit's online).
I also don't really look at reviews for Nintendo games. I've never once looked at a review for a (console) Zelda game; it's always insta-preorder once I first get the chance. For third party games though, especially this year, I did pay attention to reviews, but it wasn't really a deciding factor. I bought Madworld that first weekend it dropped to $30 (since it was $30), Pikmin NPC since I missed out on it for the GC, Rune Factory Frontier since I like Harvest Moon games (certainly wasn't swayed by the Gamespot review!), and Little King's Story since I liked the concept (and positive reviews did make the decision easier). I avoided The Conduit based on non-IGN reviews, but on gripes with the game, not just looking at the scores it received.
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