This evening, as I was rooting through a drawer for a GameCube controller, something became abundantly clear to me: I own a metric ass-load (Google it) of Wii accessories. I don't even remember buying most of these, much less why the hell I would have bought them, but nevertheless, I have a drawer full of crap. I haven't done anything too crazy yet (Lookingatyou), but considering I own a standard definition TV, it doesn't make much sense that I own a wireless sensor bar. Really, my little drawer is a freaking jungle.
So, ok, a lot of it is pretty necessary. I've got three Wii Remotes, three Nunchucks, three VC Controllers (Don't even get me started on wasting money in the Shop Channel), & a Charge Station, and they're all very useful. But as for the Wireless Sensor bar, two Classic Controller Grips and the off-brand Wii Blaster, I've got no excuse. I simply spend way too much money on this console. So, yeah, why do companies like Nyko make products like the Party Station? Because saps like me would... probably buy it.
But wait! If I can steer the topic away from my spending habits for a second, wouldn't it be great if I had a way to organize all thiscrap? Seriously, this drawer just isn't cutting it anymore. It's overflowing. And I don't really think there's a strong second-hand market for Wiicessories.
Nyko, the Party Station? Scrap it. Instead, focus on making a Wiicessory rack. Even if the average person is smart enough to stay away from most third-party accessories, Nintendo is making enough crap that something like this would still be justified. What with the Balance Board, Wii Zapper and Activision's wireless guitar coming out soon, this could be very helpful.
What about all ya'll? Are you addicted to buying things for your Wii?
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