Yes. While there have been fairly decent amount of games out there that had what was considered to be "terrible" or "embarrassing" voice acting, in turn, believe it or not, there have been select numbers of titles that shown that despite popular belief, its possible to have quality voice acting in video game.
Look, I can understand if folks are not welcome of the idea, however, should not let your feat completely stop progression and improvement.
After all, if people back in the 1920s would have let their "fear" stop them, well, I will put to you this way - we all still (may) be watching our televisions sets with little to no sound, beyond background music put in there for good measure. Now, with that being said, honestly, folks - would television be interesting that way? Probably not. So, with that being said, why should video games be any different? Why? Because they are different mediums? Pft - I find that to be excuse. While each them indeed have differences from each other, in turn, each of them have similarities and to ignore that element, for my liking, is choosing to be blind.
Besides, regardless of that other stuff, if other video games are willing to, and some, with positive results, why should Zelda be any different? In my humble opinion, it should not.
Now, with that being said, will there be "bumps" in the road. Probably, however, most of time, that is the case when dealing with anything that is "unknown." Its all about learning curve, folks. In order for progression to happen, at times, you need step back in order to move forward.
For example, its same exact reason why many of your gaming companies beyond Nintendo decide to take loss on each system they sell towards the begging - in hopes that the lower price will be more attrative to your average consumer and therefore, in hopes that they gain bigger market share if they would have, otherwised, try to sell same exact product with profit.
On side note, for the record, little to nobody is suggesting that Link should talk - practically most everyone agrees that he should stay mute seeing how he does not really have any lines of dialog to began with. However, does not mean that rest of the characters that have dialog should not talk.
By the way, if you are wondering the reason for wanting voice acting, its simple - it would give things better feeling of "connection." For my liking, the reason that book and video games our different is that books are all about imagination. They want you created the image and sound. On the other hand, video games are about "presenting" you something. Therefore, while Zelda most certainly has the "image," without the "sound," certain feeling there that something is missing.
In another words, how can you have the "yin" without the "yang"?
Edit: In regards to "tradition," in turn, another tradition, the one in which is not often talked about, is that thing must and always do change. Remember, the only constant in the universe is change.
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