Well I will tell you somethings that are frequentely dicussed and questioned concerning Nintendo's updates
Will the Wii get an HD version or an HD update?
No definetely not. Although it is possible because the Wii is powerful enough to have HD graphics and the PS2 and original Xbox's both had a few HD games, it is too late now. It would almost be pointless because all of the Wii's games are already 480p and not very many games would utilize the HD.A Nintendo repsaidthat it isn't impossible to give Wii HD via a firmware upgrade like the Xbox 360 did via firmware upgrade.
So I'm all up for a simple firmware upgrade to give my Wii HD, it would be excellent to have some brand new games to utilize HD and the Wii would look much nicer. Developers could make Wii games at a native 720p or 1080i, since component cables can go up to 1080i, and a firmware upgrade would probably not cost any money, and if it did, I wouldn't have to trade in my Wii for a brand new one and it would probably not cost very much for a firmware. It would be nice, but I can't see Nintendo do all this to give the Wii HD and it's too late in the Wii's lifespan. Nintendo is probablygetting preppedfor a brandnew console in a few years.
Will Nintendo get rid of friend codes?
Well, it isn't 100%, but I think Nintendo will eventually get rid of friend codes for some games. Many companys are trying to work they way around it, like Guitar Hero 5 with Wii address book,orEA games with there own EAnationseperate servers,or Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Conduit 2 with the rival system. I think since it's such a setback Nintendo will for some games get rid of it. Call of Duty: Black Ops is talking to Nintendo about getting rid of friend codes, so hopefully Nintendo will allow this.
Will we get DLC like map packs and add ons?
Well it is likely, Conduit 2 is trying to get DLC, Rockband 2, Guitar Hero World Tour had DLC in the form of songs, and Guitar Hero 5 had full DLC like albums utiilizing the SDHC card update. I think that we will get some DLC. It has been a large demand and the update of SDHC wouldn't be very useful. They have already had DLC for music games(large DLC for GH5)so I don't see why not for other genre's as well?
Will we get demo's for retail games?
It definetely seems possible, and Nintendo does have demo's for both the Nintendo DS and Wiiware. It seems like something Nintendo would be willing to do, but I'm just not sure. Nintendo hasn't really even talked about it and no company has ever reallydemanded a demo for their game, so it's something that makes perfect sense to happen, but for some reason I just not sure.
So what do you think?
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