Of The Old GBA Games?
I really do miss my pokemon Fire version and some other rpg games.
Now as for the topic and poll do you agree with my statement that there should remakes?
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Of The Old GBA Games?
I really do miss my pokemon Fire version and some other rpg games.
Now as for the topic and poll do you agree with my statement that there should remakes?
no. they are way too recentchild_of_lilethErm.... Metal Gear came out in 1989 how is that recent! You're thinking about Metal Gear Solid? Cause if you are then you got the wrong idea of my idea! xD
i wonder what's mr. kojima up to nowadays. we'll have to wait and see.koneki1He says he actually wants to dump Metal Gear series, cause its quite old and start an MMO of an Zombie Survival game online! I think he should do that, cause the Metal Gear series is starting to wear down on quality!
No they should be spending their time, effort, and money on brand new games, not remakes. Also, the DS has a GBA Cartridge slot, so why don't you look for and buy the GBA game and play it straight from there, that's what its made for.Spirit_WarriorsTotally agree.
Question. By remakes, do you mean the exact same game, just playable on DS, or using the touch screen, enhanced sound and visual etc?
Not GBA, but maybe GBC, or as someone said earlier, a Virtual Gameboy. I would love to be able to play LoZ: Oracle of Seasons on DS, though.
Minish cap would be nice. That's about it.
They should be porting more N64 games (COMMON OOT!!!)
Yeah, they should be porting more N64 games onto the DS.
I think they should do more newer games, though I some remakes are nice even though they are not necessarily GBA games (Chrono Trigger). I know that the remakes of FF V and VI are going to happen, probably a while from now. When and if they do come out (Final Fantasy I mean) I truly hope that they improve on the in-game graphics. I mean III and IV looked pretty much the exact same to me, and I hope V and VI do not look like that. I couldn't stand the way the characters were, they looked kinda weird in some way. The DS now with some of the games coming out has definitely enough technology to make the characters in a game look like a regular console. There is enough technological capability to make a game look like Final Fantasy X when it first came out.
Other than my FF ramble, I do think that games are worth remaking, just that shouldn't be the majority of a company. New games with innovation is what people want, though a remake never hurts.
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