im not decided yet.
technically it looking great for a wii game. based on the vid i saw, its got real time lighting, bump mapping and all that. its definately one of the more impressive games from that point of view and a definate step up from what weve seen from most other 3rd parties. enviroenments also seem pretty big and the framerate seems to be consistent even when its busy.
im not sold on the art style though and some of the models look a bit rough...especially the soldier models. i do like the bug like enemies though and the one at the end of the vid was quite impressive from a visual and animation point of view. if they can get it to that level across the board then that would be a big step up.
at the end of the day though....looks bad compared to what? its not going to give the likes of gears or uncharted or crysis anything to worry about from a visual point of was never going to do that. if thats what ure expecting then ure going to be dissapointed. the wii can not do that...ever. no amount of developer skill or talent or time or money will make a wii pull off those kind of visuals, ever.
from what ive seen though, conduit is a definate step up in the technical visuals department compared to pretty much every other 3rd party game on wii. most 3rd party games dont use any real time lighting on the wii, nor do they use the WIIs shaders and TEV to create nice water effects, sharper textures and so on. there a whole bucket of tricks the wii has up its sleeve and so far there being ignored by devs outside ninty. zelda TP si technically more sophisticated than the vast majority of the stuff released on wii.....and thats a GC game. whatever about the artistic direction, at least high voltage are giving it a dam good shot...a far bigger effort than most of the stuff released on wii.
its early days yet and i wish the devs the best of luck with making a great engine for 3rd parties and a great game to show it off.
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