However amazing current technology may be, we're still a looong way away from anything like that. To give one example, video games are still stuck inside the "uncanny valley", where characters look almost real, but not quite real, such that the emotions conveyed by their faces and actions still looks mechanical and not believable. L.A. Noire looks to at least build the beginnings of a bridge across that gap, but it's still imperfect.
Even if we do reach a level of complete perfection, though, I'm not sure why that'd be scary. Once we get to that level, then we can focus on the games as opposed to the graphics and so forth. That can only be positive.
I think its safe to say that humans won't ever possess the skills to cross Uncanny Valley. Right now, we fully possess the technology to create photo-realistic 3d renderings. The problem is that humans don't possess the ability to create photo-realistic humans. You can even see that in paintings and drawings. Sure, they look pretty damn close, but you can always tell the difference. And this is coming from a Digital Animation major, so this kind of stuff is painful for me to say :P
I'm not "scared" about the future of gaming technology or anything. However, I have a problem with the fact that games are becoming more and more focused on graphics and nothing but explosions and shooting. It always depresses me when my little brother turns down a game I recommend because it doesn't look like it was directed by Michael Bay. He's turned down Portal 2, the Zelda games, most Mario games, Bioshock, Mass Effect, etc. and he ESPECIALLY turns down anything that doesn't have face-melting graphics, like Minecraft, Half-Life, Deus Ex, and retro games. I plugged in my dad's old Atari and Odyssey and he comes over going "WTF are those? Those games look retarded." I swear to god I almost punched him in the face lol.
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