Hello everyone. It's been some months since i've been with a doubt that's preventing me from playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Tatsunoko vs Capcom. After i got Tatsunoko vs Capcom i took a looka at the botton of some of my wii game discs under a light and noticed that they have some very little line marks at the center of the plastic hub around the hole were it touches the center of the cases and spindle motor. They look like like very little minor straight lines scratches that radiates ant light reflection, specially under a bulb.
I'm not sure if they develope this over time and if it is normal, that's why i am asking for help here. I don't want to spend $70 plus dollars to send it to Nintendo with the rysk of receiving a letter telling me: Hey your Wii was OK. I have called Nintendo numerous times and they have told me that if the Wii scratches games it will be perfectly circular around the area that have data. They even told me that as long as the games are playing my Wii is okay. Even with this info i still have my doubts.
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