thers a certain game i preordered. its supposed to come on sunday. i also called walmart and they told me to check next tuesday. but my mom doesnt believe them because they used to lie about the wiis. ty in advance
When I was looking for Custon Robo, they didn't have it for over a week after it was released so I got it at EB because I got tired of waiting. So, yes, very late.
lol i agree. walmart is dirty. everytime i go in there, the only thing i can smell is the dirty grease from the mcdonalds in there.(most walmarts have mickey dees right?) well anyways, do notice that they do get some of their games late, and i dont shop there anymore, they f'ed me over once for a wii.
lol i agree. walmart is dirty. everytime i go in there, the only thing i can smell is the dirty grease from the mcdonalds in there.(most walmarts have mickey dees right?) well anyways, do notice that they do get some of their games late, and i dont shop there anymore, they f'ed me over once for a wii.nathansarro
The wal-farts, i mean wal-MARTS have the McKee dees down here too. lol. I prefer target....
They do get their video games late, but when you miss out on a video game that was released a while ago and you can't find it at EBgames or Gamestop, you'll find it there.
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