DK64 was one of the most frustratingly fun (if that makes sense) platformers I've ever played. It's rewarding in parts, heck it's damn awesome in parts.It has it's own personality, an awesome music score, great graphics for its time, solid multiplayer and awesome variety of Kongs and abilities,but as you try to get the last 20 or so bananas, the sheer difficulty and the odd major glitch almost made me burn the N64, tear the cartridge in half and swear Rare was working for the Devil.
I was 12 at the time. I'd give it a 8.0. It's the most up-to-date and recent chapter in the DK universe, so if you like your DK, and you really enjoyed platformers like Mario 64,get the game but get it as cheap as you can get it.
As for Banjo Kazooie......I dunno....I think this is just me, but I found BK too hard too quickly., many parts of the game were just too unforgiving. It's great if you have the patience and tolerance. Yet for some strange reason, I foundBanjo Tooie was immensely better. The multiplayer was as solid as Goldeneye's, the adventure was bigger and better, the level design was 1000X better and it was waymore funny. The difficulty was much more capable (but still got **** hard for the last few Jiggies) and I found it one of the best games of the generation.
BK or BT won't make it on VC though because of the 3rd installment coming on 360. Live Arcade will probably nab both BK's.
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