i have been on a usual on this board for about a year now, ever since i started traveling more. In the past 2 weeks it has been just sooo boring in the ds board. I guarenttee i see like 50 + pokemon topics and get locked and lots more recommendation topics that get blocked to. There are the occasional good topics but all the other ones are stupid. An example is about how everyone gets all hyped up on a new ds coming out. Get real, its not gonna come. And how people always post a topic about which game is the best or which game u want to see. I love lookin at those topics but people just post the same thing...pokemon...blah blah blah (i own it and its good..just tired of hearing everyone say its the best)..and people writing a zillion (hehe)..topics about how super smash brothers should come to the ds and everything.
i am startin to get tired of these usual topics and am thinkin about going to a different board. (there is like a new topic every 30 mintues and a new post by someone every 10..)..just gets boring..waiting on here
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