I have a ds, and the last game I got was Elite Beat Agents. After I beat that game my ds has been collecting dust, and I was wondering what are some good imported games.(at a gamestore near my house I saw jump! superstars, plankton or something like that, the internet thing, and some other weird titles) so if you could suggest some good imported games that would be great, or nonimported games also, thanks.
Don't know, really.. BUT. I think you don't own Metroid Prime Pinball, since not a lot of people do, so I'm going to recommend that game if you want a new game. It's awesome. Definitely one of the best pinball games I've ever played (I've played a lot) and it's currently one of my favourite DS games. Since I know it's not a popular game, I just have to recommend it when I get the chance..
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