DS online questions and help

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#1 babern38
Member since 2006 • 258 Posts

I got a DS a couple months ago and enjoy it. I tried connecting to wifi a couple times, but it was never able to connect even when sitting right next to my wireless router. I just haven't taken the time to try to figure that out.

But I was wondering if its really necessary. What do all of you DS owners use wifi for? what games or features do you use? Is there anything that you can do between wii and DS? thanks.

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#2 CorruptGamerGX
Member since 2006 • 1023 Posts

The Nintendo Wi-Fi is mainly used to play games like Mario Kart DS, Metroid Prime Hunters and other games online. Some games allow you to trade or buy items online.

The only Wii game that is compatible with the DS is Pokemon Battle Revolution. A;lso, Nintendo should be releasing the Everybody Channel that allows you to download DS demos.

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#3 Archale
Member since 2006 • 2129 Posts

HAve you tried configurin the Wi Fi? Mst games with Wi Fi capabilities allow you to.

It's not necessary, but for example you can battle online in Bleach, or race against people in MArio Kart, getting records like how many wins and loses you have(Although there are Disconectors...). Also, in games like Pokemon, it's the only way to get a lot of Pokemon, if you are outside the states or Japan(Or places were Nintendo won't bring events).
Wi fi is used mostly for "extra" stuff, it won't be necessary, probably, ever to enjoy a game, but it adds replayability to them