I recently picked up the new rendition of the DS. Now quickly let me release my praise of the system. It is beautiful, sleek, feels and runs like a newborn baby. With that slight bit of praise released let me get on to the naggers of this system. My biggest problem with people who attempt (In futile attempts might I add) to downsize this system is this; the entire "It has no GBA slot!". Now I am no historian but the last time I checked a calendar it was 2009. The console died in 2006 with the release of the DS. Now the last GBA game was released in 2007, and since then no new games have been released and they are in all intents and purposes, a dead breed. With that down, why do people still insist that Nintendo put a GBA slot in NEW systems? Sure the GBA was a fun system but the fact is that it is gone, the past, outdated. Nintendo NEEDS to move on as a company past the nostalgia and into the bright future of things to come. Once again I do believe the advance was a fun system but it is gone now and with no new games coming out why waste the space/money on something that isn't going to be used by a mass majority of the people getting the system for the first time. Next what I want to point out is something that I have found quite comical in the long run and in need of being noticed. A large amount of people complain about the lack of a GBA slot, and yet the same people complain about rehashes of games that came out for the GBA/GC/PS...etc. What is your problem? You nag and complain about the old games coming back out with such statements as "Why do we need X game again? Give us something new!" and yet five seconds later your post will be seen in something along the lines of "Why did they take out the GBA slot? How am I supposed to play X game?". The bottom line is choose one stance and stop giving us this bull. Now I am going to give you the solutions to these rather simple problems. If you love the GBA so much you should (Just like me.) still own your old GBA. Or if you are even more like me then you still have a DS phat or a lite. In which case play your advance games on there. The DSi is meant to be a step into the future of games and not have lead feet and drag the past along with it. The new features are very sleek and deserve much praise. Not to mention some of the more popular older games are rumored to be coming to DSiware. These simple solutions aren't to hard to come by. But on the last note, if you are so obsessed with what happened in the early 2000's and such then don't buy something from 2009 which doesn't support the past (the DSi). It is that simple. Don't debunk a system that is very visibly the right choice. You HAVE to let go of things sometime, or else you will be the kid in third grade carrying his blankie.
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