For the past two weeks i've been flying through okami on the ps2, and its easily one of the best games ive ever played. It's one of those games where you play to find out whats going to happen next in the story, rather then just waiting to see the next action set-piece. Anyway... i finished it and really want to play the sequel...on my ps3... BUT thats not going to happen any time soon, so i guess i'll just have to settle for whats on offer. I imagine the DSi XL and Okamiden will be launched within a couple of months of each other, DSi XL will be first, so i've got 3 to choose from DS Lite OR DSi OR DSi XL. I'm actually leaning towards the DS Lite mostly because of the screen resolution...Discuss (P.S. I'll just give the DS to my little sister when im done with it or something...)GAMESPOTLIGHT
Uhm, the DS Lite has the smallest screen out of all of them. And if you read reviews of the DS XL and DSi the bigger screen res. doesn't make any game look streched. I'd say DSi or DS XL. There are tons of great gamnes for the DS; a lot more then people give credit for. And the DSi and DS XL have exclusive games and are getting more. Please the DS Lite is the least comfortable to hold out of the DSL, DSi, and DS XL. Since Okamiden is probably going to be at least 40 hours of gameplay (considering Okami was 60 hours) You want something that you don't have to put down every 10 minutes because it hurts to hold. :)
It's honestly up to opinion. Research each one and see what benefits you'd like. Oh, and chgances are, around the time Okamiden comes out Nintendo will release another DSi counterpart so don't become too attached to one. :P
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