I think we'll be seeing a new trend in console longevity (spelling might be wrong not sure but I don't care) and that applies to home consoles and handhelds, they can do so much more with these pieces of hardware now so I think the DSi will be around at least until 2011. At least.
plz, with mobile phones and PMPs breaking 1Ghz with their CPUs and more and more mobile devices having more respectable mobile games, i sincerely hope i am not playing on DS 7 years after release, i've been playing DS for years now and i think its winding down
^this, is stupid
Nintendo needs to take on mobile devices having big apps stores, more DD, better hardware, better battery consumption, etc. just without the creepy Palm Pre girl. Leave her out of next generation.
^this, never do this again please. Nintendo is not a mobile phone company. Do not compare them to one.
I was blown away when I played RE4 on the iPhone. After getting used to the controls, and the fact that the zombie count was much lower (as for games iPhone CPU is underclocked to 200mhz for some reason apple does that) i really enjoyed playing it, even with the virtual buttons on screen
^buttons don't belong on a screen, they just don't. In your defense I have not played RE4 on the iPhone. But I don't plan on it either as I will not buy an iPhone.
What? Can you actually say what i said was stupid? i suppose you can. Well, so you want to be playing games using a crappy CPU in 2011 that can't even outpace the N64 when the newest blackberry's are using 1.2Ghz CPUs?
2nd. Why can't i compare marketing of Palm and Nintendo? There is nothing to compare really i just said i hope they have no Palm Pre-like ads coz those are terrible, so i don't see why you said i shouldn't, i was simply saying Palm Pre marketing is bad and hope nintendo never makes that bad of marketing (well the Mario Kart Wii commercials with rednecks were pretty d*** bad)
Yes, real buttons are always better, perhaps something that offers both touch buttons and normal buttons. If you have an Iphone near you anytime (or iPod Touch) you should try one of your friends if they have Katamari, SimCity, MGS or RE4. they're fun. (IMO)
There are mobile phones in peoples pockets with as much system RAM as a Playstation 3, god forbid i want nintendo to actually make a handheld up to date with mobile standards in 2009 or 2011
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