we got
new super mario bros.wii
mario galexy 2
metriod other m
and some wii ware games
and third party games
why is evryone complaining just cause theres no zelda dosent mean anything its not the end of the world
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we got
new super mario bros.wii
mario galexy 2
metriod other m
and some wii ware games
and third party games
why is evryone complaining just cause theres no zelda dosent mean anything its not the end of the world
what are ya talking about? it wasent good, it was better then the others
we didnt get games we knew about or some random motion controler
ZELDA IS THE BEST GOD DAMN GAME FOR NINTENDO! that's why we're pissed at nintendo they are so gosh darn stupid...they aren't gonna make anymore wii fans with that bull sh*tdrawoHocimauSTake some meds dude. Its going to be alright. And we already know zelda is in development for wii.
we got
new super mario bros.wii
mario galexy 2
metriod other m
and some wii ware games
and third party games
why is evryone complaining just cause theres no zelda dosent mean anything its not the end of the world
Super Mario Bros - 2D sidescroller, better suited for WiiWare then a full Wii game
Mario Galaxy 2 - Consider it expansion pack to the original, as there is nothing fundamentally new, no advances in graphics, just extra worlds
Metroid - Other M - Interesting, remains to be seen how it pans out
That's about it. Enjoy your Hospital Bed Simulator, aka "Vitality" add-on. And, compared to Microsoft and Sony lineup, as well as the manner of presentation, we are witnessing a second consequitive "Fail" from Nintendo :(
wow that's a little uncalled for. yeah...how exactly do you know that?drawoHocimauSHow do I know theirs a new zelda in development? Its been talked about for years, yet Nintendo refuses to talk about it. And i didnt mean to offend you. and you can quote me so everyone knows who your talking too;)
How do I know theirs a new zelda in development? Its been talked about for years, yet Nintendo refuses to talk about it. And i didnt mean to offend you. and you can quote me so everyone knows who your talking too;) oh lol sorry it's alright. has it really? wow i can't wait i love zelda so much[QUOTE="drawoHocimauS"]wow that's a little uncalled for. yeah...how exactly do you know that?randomguy15
[QUOTE="randomguy15"]How do I know theirs a new zelda in development? Its been talked about for years, yet Nintendo refuses to talk about it. And i didnt mean to offend you. and you can quote me so everyone knows who your talking too;) oh lol sorry it's alright. has it really? wow i can't wait i love zelda so muchYeah I like it too. But your right Nintendo never seems to do everything completly right. Its been 4 years, its time we see at least a trailer.[QUOTE="drawoHocimauS"]wow that's a little uncalled for. yeah...how exactly do you know that?drawoHocimauS
yeah it's really annoying. i love nintendo and all but they need to keep up like sony. they had a great e3 because they announced games players wanted. i understand people wanted new mario and so do i but zelda would probably be most wii gamers first prioritydrawoHocimauSYeah and not only a new zelda, but wheres starfox, fzero, kirby, and other IPs? Give mario a break.
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