In a recent Nintendo Okie interview with Zen Studios Mel Kirk talking about the studio's new (e-Shop) game Zen Pinball 3D, there is something interesting said when he is asked if the 3DS game will support downloadable content:
"N.O: There is a large selection of different tables available for Pinball FX 2. Will we be seeing any more of these tables, or new tables become available in the future as DLC?
M.K: You will see some of the tables that are on both Zen Pinball and Pinball FX2 come to the 3DS as future DLC. Everyone knows that the eShop does not currently support DLC, but if we are going to do it, I guess that means things are changing:)?" *happy face was used in the original text*
After reading that part it really makes me wonder what kind of surprises the November firmware update will have, and if e-Shop DLC will be one of those surprises. :shock:
You can read the full interview with a few more details (Like possible Nintendo themed pinball tables), by clicking the link:
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