Etrian Odyssey 3 is out today in North America. Is anyone playing it? My copy should be arriving from Amazon at any moment (of course, I am at work, so I will have to wait to get home anyway).
For people who aren't familiar with this series, it is basically a throwback to old PC RPGs like Wizardry and The Bard's Tale. In the old days, when you played those games, you would have to map the dungeons on graph paper or become hopelessly lost. In Etrian Odyssey, you do the mapping on the DS's lower screen.
There are a surprising number of games of this style on DS (minus the stylus mapping) -- Orcs & Elves, The Dark Spire, and SMT Strange Journey, for example. I wrote an article about this genre, which I am calling grid-based dungeon crawler RPGs. Read it if you are an RPG nerd like me and interested in this sort of thing!
If you're playing the game, how do you like it so far?
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