Even Miyamoto has said that he wished they could have put more memory into the Wii...
So, I ask you this:
Do you think Nintendo Will ever release an update so that Wii can load channels, save data, etc. directly from the SD card while playing a game? This would work much better so you dont have to go through the copy process to get your channels either to or from an SD card, as well as your save data.
And also, how long doyou think it'll take the price of flash memory to decrease when they come out with a new 1GB version of the Wii (not to coexistwith the 512MB one like Xbox 360 and PS3, but to give consumers more memory with a new Wii). DO you think that they'll every do that?
My first point would be much more helpful IMO since nobody would have to worry about number 2.
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