[QUOTE="Rocky32189"] [QUOTE="J_Ford"]I've answered every question they've put on the Everybody Votes Channel so far, and I don't ever remember answering a question like that. It doesn't sound like a question they'd put up either. I'll admit they've put up some dumb questions compared to others, but the question you're talking about makes no sense at all. Who exactly is the Grant you're referring to in that question? If it has no historical referrence or is related to anyone important there's no way they'd put it up. To me, it sounds like a made up question that someone submitted and hoped they'd chose it.J_Ford
Where do you live?
It was a National question for America and it was very recent. The question refers to Ulysses S. Grant, a United States president and Civil War General.
I live in Canada and I seriously don't remember answering that question or seeing it. I also just checked the Poll History and Recent Results and it's not listed in either of those. So the question about Grants Tomb would have had to of been asked at least a month ago, or longer, that's not very recent. Maybe it's possible it was asked, but it's still such a stupid question you can't really blame me for not remembering it.
It was a question for the United States, not Canada. Every country has different National questions.
It was asked last week.
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