In case you missed my ither post, here are the pokemon exclusive to heartgold and soul silver! I personally have to go with HeartGold but you should decide for yourself... Also Latios is in heartgold over latias in soulsilver. What game do you prefer?
HeartGold 056MankeyFighting 057
PrimeapeFighting 058
GrowlitheFire 059
ArcanineFire 167
SpinarakBugPoison 168
AriadosBugPoison 207
GligarGroundFlying 226
MantineWaterFlying 231
PhanpyGround 232
DonphanGround 302
SableyeGhostDark 343
BaltoyGroundPsychic 344
ClaydolGroundPsychic 382
KyogreWater 458
MantykeWaterFlying 472
SoulSilver037VulpixFire 038
NinetalesFire 052
MeowthNormal 053
PersianNormal 165
LedybaBugFlying 166
LedianBugFlying 225
DelibirdIceFlying 227
SkarmorySteelFlying 216
TeddiursaNormal 217
UrsaringNormal 303
MawileSteel 316
GulpinPoison 317
SwalotPoison 383
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