I hate to do this to you Smashycuts, but if your really dying for a new Pokemon experience, you should lower your expectations for the Wii, and perhaps dust off your DS (if you have one, if not, get one), because that is the system that will be getting all the pocket monsters action. The last major Wii Pokemon game, Revolution, while okay for fans, was a bit of a failure as far as RPG/fighters go. In fact, if you look along the long history of console pokemon games, the only one even halfway enjoyable for someone other than a fan was Collesseum, and even that was full of flaws. The DS on the other hand, is an excellent system for your needs. While the new Mystery Dungeons were a bit disappointing, Ranger revolutionized the pokemon catching mechanics, and Pokemon puzzle games (Planet Puzzle League with pokemon characters) have always been an easy way to get some Pokemon fan service without overdoing it. Best of all, Diamond and Pearl are a great way to relive the classic top down pokemon rpgs, and they are online, which is flippin awesome if you ask me.... Online competition rocks.
Thanks for being nice but coming out with the truth. I'd did have a DS with Diamond but I guess I'm just hoping to high. Well Thanks for the time you toke to write this note
A full 3D Pokemon RPG on the Wii (like they were/are on the GameBoy and DS) would be enough to get the world going crazy. Nintendo would sell millions, and the Wii would get the ultimate sales boost.
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