So it is no secret that the Wii is hard to come by since Nintendo chooses to make a limited supply for something a lot of people want. My daughter and I have wanted Wii for some time now, since she is really into the old Mario games and loves playing Sonic the Hedgehog. I started looking for Wii in the middle ofNovember and had no luck since I live in a small town that has one Gamestop and a Walmart. I would alternate back and forth each week trying to get there at just the right time to snag 1. This was ver hard since Walmart would get only 1 a week and sometimes 1 every two weeks. Over at Gamestop they say they would get two in a week but everyday I would find them sold out.
So my daughters birthday was December 18th and I wasnt able to get one by then, so I had little hope I would find one by Christmas. December 25th came and still nothing. So I told her that maybe we would get one by this summer since they might have more available by then. She was disappointed but she smiled and said she could wait a little while longer.
Fast foward to today: I made my usual stop in at Gamestop still wishing on a star that they might have one, and as always no such luck. "Maybe next week?" the clerk tells me. Yeah, right ! I think to myself. So later in the day my wife and I go grocery shopping and stock up on supplies for a dinner party her friend is having Saturday night. We get home and unpack everything and she starts cooking. Suddenly she informs me that she forgot to get toothpicks, and I already had been to the store twice so I wasn't too excited to go back into town especially on a Friday afternoon cause everyone is at the damn store. So I head back to Walmart to grab the toothpicks, and as I grab a box of them off the shelf I convince myself to go to the electronics department and just take one more look since Iwas there already. I round the corner and start glancing at all the Xbox 360 games (this was especially painful since my 360 just got the red ring of death and is now on its way to be repaired) working my way to the Wii stuff. Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of a White box in the case that usually is bare. Could it be? I get a bit closer and I see the three magic letters W-i-i ! I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and just then the clerk comes over and asks if he can get anything for me. Your Damn Right you can get something for me ! He tells me that this was the only one they got this week and it just came out of the trailer 20 minutes ago. I felt like I just won the lottery, and I knew my daughter was going to flip when I come home with a Wii.
As I was leaving I was getting eye-balled by so many people since you could easily see through the white plastic bag. I felt like I was in danger of getting robbed at gun point, but I made it home safely. When I told my daughter that I had a surprise for her she was pretty excited, and then once she saw what it was she practically broke my ribs giving me a huge hug. My wife said I was one lucky SOB, but I new it was fate! All the times I walked away empty handed only made it that much sweeter.
The only problem now is that my wife won't relinquish the Wii controller! She loves Mario Galaxy more then I ever knew.
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