3.1 out of 10. Deserves it. I rented this PoS.
"Closing Comments
As a fan of old-school adventure games and survival-horrors, I was looking forward to Alone in the Dark. I really wanted to like this game and while it has many great ideas, it simply bites off more than it can chew. Nearly every gamplay mechanic fails in one way or another. While the game is functional, Alone in the Dark is a clear case of something that needed to be baked in the oven longer. The overall concept is solid, but the testing phase seems to have been glossed over. While not everything about Alone in the Dark will make you tear your hair out, the unrefined gameplay weighs down the overall package heavily. To compensate for its shortcomings, Alone in the Dark allows you to skip levels to pass convoluted puzzles. It's a cheap solution, and the game knows it. In conclusion, skip this game. You'll be better off alone."
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