i have defeated the dolls several times and i always lose to golbez when i fight him due to the fact i try rydias summon and it just heals him and i've tryed kain's jump but he comes down before golbez attacks and dies before rydia shows up what can i do to defeat him
Well, I did it a while ago and I can give you some advice =] first of all, He seems strong, but his attacks (blizzara, fira, thundara) wont do that much damge. so first, revive everyone you can and heal them. after that, you have to deal damage to him, and you are right- summons wont do the trick. I tried every character I had, and only Yang could damage him. So, this is what I did- revive everyone and then keep heal them, and attack only with Yang. you can defend with the rest. it may take some time, but before you know it- Golbez will be down, and you will even have a full life party =] hope this will help =]
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