Overall I'm having a blast with the game as well...
The few shortcomings that could be easily fixed via patch in my opinion are:
1. Slow down the zombies... they move as fast as your character and unbalance the gameplay because you don't have time to actually prepare for anything and often times are forced to switch back to your...
2. Cricket bat... this is the only melee weapon... hey UBISOFT patch in new ones! Easy fix there.
3. (minor issue) all zombies die the same way the head completely flies of the shoulders and disappears. Pretty cool at first but after a while it starts to become apparent that it lacks variety... again minor gripe not really an issue but worth mentioning for those interested.
Those things said this is a great game and I'm having a blast playing it.
Things that experienced gamers would appreciate about the control scheme that reviewers don't mention:
1. You can open and close your backpack by pressing the select (-) button, and you can move away from any looting screen by pressing away on the analog stick you don't always have to click or swipe the gamepad (sounds minor but definitely helps it not feel like your playing an iphone game where every action has to be touched)
2. when you're scanning you can use the analog stick so you don't have to move your arms around your actual room (although I'll be honest that is a freaking awesome feeling to actually spin 360° and have it register but some people may not like doing it everytime...)
3. The controlls can be tightened by upping the sensetivity (85% for me feels great.)
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